Monday, March 30, 2009

It's War in Mexico, Mr. President

Sir, Mr President;

It is a new day. Mexico is at WAR! And we must reassess our National Security Objectives and Operational Plans. We need to Reassess our Defense Plans and where we are spending our Homeland Resources.

I have to add this to my National Security Objectives below to the #4 Priority. If you saw the New york Times today, then you are also reflecting that we haven't had a War on our border for like 80 years (Mexican Civil War 1910-1928?). Clearly our country is now at an increased DEFCON (Defense Condition) as a Result of the War in Mexico with itself. Likely we would call it an insurgent war by drug gangs, rather than a Civil War. But why doesn't the media realize this is an immanent threat?

Mexico is tearing it self apart because government institution are afraid of the "Drug Gang Violence".

Of course some Americans have been waiting for a reason to pull US Troops back to our borders. And some will be thinking that Tom Clancy anticipated that Islamic Terrorists befriending Drug Dealers to draw the war back from Iraq to Mexico or the USA.

Clearly if we can strengthen our borders, it will meet National Security Goals by repelling "Foreign" drug gangs and drug trafficking. "Let us not spend a fortune overseas on foreign adventures" against stateless insurgents. We NOW have insurgents on our border!

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