Friday, January 20, 2012

Mitt Romney Positioned as Aristocratic Candidate

Mitt Romney Positioned as Aristocratic Candidate

I don't know how to call this one, do you Bingo?

Obviously Romney is not one of us. I see video where Romney states he pays 15% Income Tax versus the 35% Income Tax that his tax bracket should be paying.

But there is also

1) False Claim of creating 100K jobs. If you went to business school you know the purpose of business is not to create jobs, support jobs, or help anyone else create jobs. The goal of business is to maximize profit.
2) Maximizing profit often means cutting jobs and managing new efficiencies.
3) Yes, there is a business cycle where businesses hire more people, then layoff workers when the economy or industry enters a recession. But let's be clear about what year we are talking about and whether the industry/business was in a recession.
4) Certain businesses take over other corporations to reap the profits whether through closing the business, or through buying a number of inefficient businesses and reaping the profits of turning around high costs or low revenues.
5) It doesn't seem likely that there is a single business model out there to take over businesses and increase employees - since employees are overhead.
6) It seems like Bain capital is more like a consultant business or a venture capital business. the focus could be on marketing, and developing markets, but more likely is going to see high overhead on paper which would lead to cutting jobs and cutting expenses.

The reason I laid that all out is this: There are perverse incentives now at work in US corporations and Businesses. The perverse payoffs are present if you layoff workers (bonus time), cut expenses, commit fraud, turn over fraudulent mortgages by selling them off, or create derivative financial instruments with triple A Ratings with subprime mortgages or subprime bonds packaged inside. Oh and the executive officers of US Businesses get bonuses and salary increases which tend to lessen profit for shareholders. Shareholder profits being drained to pay for overhead like salary and bonuses clearly are perverse.

Mitt Romney, Off Shoring, Off Shore banking, Cayman Islands, Arbitrage, Hedge Fund Manager, Presidential Campaign, US Politicians, US Politics, Political Spin, Propaganda, Perverse Incentives, Bonuses, Executive Compensation

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