Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Why do Americans Watch Debates or SOU?

Why do Americans Watch Debates or SOU??? Really!

All we get is a guy kissing a baby for all our time!

The words of Politicians are misleading, disingenuous, Spin, and Propaganda!

Now listen to the clapping in state of the union address. This is just a ruse to confuse or placate the masses. That is why most politicians spout rhetoric instead of honest word. Politics is a game. The game is to fool people to vote for them - if you by chance are interested in voting.

Politicians are magicians. They do one thing that you can see while doing a completely different thing behind their back. We all know that money buys elections. Lobby money buys elections, laws, deregulation, banking fraud, accounting fraud, and too big to fail banks. Never mind that executives have figured out how to loot corporations with lavish benefits packages, start an environment where dishonest deals drive out honest deals, and reduce real employment and real manufacturing that increases the US GDP and increases spin off jobs to support manufacturing.

The fact is if politicians wanted to solve problems, stop wars, create Justice, regulate accounting fraud, they would. There is a mountain of laws and regulations that are not enforced properly or have had subsequent laws reduce their effectiveness. Oh and you tell the IRS to go after small wage earners since they don't influence/lobby congress or engage in expensive legal battles. Oh and you can fail to budget money for proper staffing of agencies like the SEC. And you can over fund and over budget money for agencies involved in the war on drugs.

The solution: Vote for the underdog that wants to go back to individual rights. Vote for Ron Paul for US President.

It is clear that Ron Paul can not implement sever changes to our social systems, social security, social medicare/medicaid,...

we need to send a message to Washington DC and the K Street Lobbyist:

1) We won't be run over by lying politicians.
2) We are watching all politicians.
3) We don't tolerate looting our corporations.
4) We don't tolerate banks funding only Finance and Bank Deals.
5) We won't tolerate Accounting Fraud in the USA
6) we won't tolerate banks that focus on dishonest deals that put quick money in the pocket of the few deal makers.
7) we won't fall for Financial Ratings Agencies and independent accounting firms that don't do what they say the represent, but are "In Bed" with dishonest financial managers.

Republican Debates, State of the Union, US Politicians, Politics, Lobbying, Financial Crisis, Mortgage Scandal, Banking Reform

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